• 8th August 2014

    Portfolios are a great way of checking out what a genuine web design company is really producing for real businesses. It is easy for a web design company to put together a super, shiny, snazzy web site which looks great, but do investigate on their portfolio page (often worded as other work we have done or something si ...

  • 4th April 2014

    All of our web sites are responsive web designed.  This means that they are designed to work across a range of devices such as smart phones, tablets and desktop computers. It is obvious that any web design company should do this but many do not. If you want a responsive design do contact us as all of our web sites work ...

  • 25th March 2014

    If you have a cafe, restaurant, bar, pub or  hotel and have worked hard to gain a high rating on Trip Advisor why not add this to your web site. This is something we can easily do, so why not get in touch and we we can start building a website for your restaurant today.           ...

  • 24th March 2014

    All good web design companies should know how to embed and customise Twitter and Facebook pages into your business web site.  If your web site company can do this it this means that you can keep your web site looking fresh and up to date straight from your phone. And of course this enables your business to increase its ...

  • 19th January 2014

    Google has made it very clear that its main objective is to provide people/customers searching the Internet with the most relevant information possible. If you are a business owner who wants to get your website ranked highly in Google’s search results, you need to know about and consider this. Google has no interest in ...

  • 19th January 2014

    It is better to have no web site at all than a rubbish one.  A website creates an impression of your business. A messy, difficult to navigate site with poor appearance will have more of a detrimental effect on your business than not having a site at all. A small, simple, but perfectly formed site is preferable over on ...

  • 18th January 2014

    Currently, many of the web sites that we are designing and developing for small businesses and companies in Hull and East Yorkshire are businesses that have already bought domain names and paid for hosting elsewhere.  We get pleasure from rescuing your domain name and providing cheaper hosting and a great web site for ...

  • 18th January 2014

    If you have a business web site and you can not do the following four changes then you are not paying for an updated website Can you update latest news on your website and get rid of dated content?  Can you take down any information that is no longer relevant? Can you update your copyright date? Can you fix any broken ...

  • 13th January 2014

    Web Hosting  is a service provided by a company which offers a physical location for the storage of web pages and files. A Web Hosting Company is a type of landlord, who rents physical space on their servers allowing web pages to be viewed on the Internet. We will host your website with our dedicated web hosting compan ...

  • 12th January 2014

    If you are having a web site designed or are doing this yourself do be careful using images taken from the internet.  A growing number of companies have been sued for using photos taken from sites such as Google images.   And it is the business that gets sued rather than the website design company.   At getnoticedlocal ...