A blog (originally meaning web log) is simply a collection of posts displayed in reverse chronological order – that is, the most recent displayed first.
We provide a ‘blog’ or ‘latest news’ or ‘special offers’ or whatever you decide to call this on your web site, free as part of our service to our customers who choose our web site design and hosting company in Hull and East Yorkshire.
There are a number of reasons why you might want to include a blog on your website but the most important reason is that search engines such as Google, Bling etc search pages on your web site and if you include relevant words and phrases related to your services on your blog which relate to the services on your web site this will improve the SEO of your site. Search engines like good content.
If you like writing and can write about services already offered on your web site you will be increasing your SEO. Your blog posts will also give you the opportunity to tweet and leave news about what you are doing or offering in more detail. You just add the url (web address) for your customers, friends followers to read more.
Evidence demonstrates that adding a blog to your web site such as www.mywebsite.co.uk/news is much better than having an external blog or even using a sub domain as it proves easier for search engines to find your site according to Google.
If you like blogging it is best to blog as regular as you can (say once a week) using as many key words related to your services that you can without spoiling the point you are trying to make. Feel free to be expressive in your blogging as this again will not harm your SEO.