Improving Content on Your Website Improves Your Google Position
19th January 2014
Google has made it very clear that its main objective is to provide people/customers searching the Internet with the most relevant information possible.
If you are a business owner who wants to get your website ranked highly in Google’s search results, you need to know about and consider this.
Google has no interest in helping business websites becoming ranked on the first page in search results.
Importantly Google’s customers are not businesses with websites. Its customers are people who are searching the Internet looking for information. Google’s success rises or falls according to how useful people think its search results are. This is why so many of us use Google to search for information.
For example if a person goes to Google and is searching for a cheap website in Hull or East Yorkshire and they enter ‘cheap website Hull East Yorkshire’ into the search bar – how does Google decide which of all the cheap website design companies in Hull or East Yorkshire should appear on the first page of their search results?
Google has a complicated algorithm to work this out, and we will be writing more about this on our blog, but the most important factor is that the website with the most relevant content around the words ‘cheap website Hull East Yorkshire’ will get the highest ranking.
Google’s software is so sophisticated though that it can even tell well written content from badly written content. This means that you can not just stuff your web page full of ‘cheap website Hull East Yorkshire’ in every sentence, to try to fool Google that your page is the most relevant.
For example Google knows the type of words that are related to ‘website design hull’ and will include these in its algorithm. Importantly, if your business website contains several pages of well written content about say web site design and web site topics – and if the content is updated regularly, this will go a long way to helping you get to the top of Google’s search rankings.
Well written, relevant content that is regularly updated and added to is the most basic secret of SEO and the first and most important step to ensure that your business website gains a high ranking on search engines such as Google.
Interestingly Google can also tell how long people stay on your website to read the content and if they stay longer, that could be good news for your business as this improves the ranking of your business on search engines such as Google
Google is very clear in its advice to web designers that where the emphasis has been on well written content, plus some other basic on page SEO principles that these sites will always rise to the top. It doesn’t happen overnight but does happen slowly but steadily.
The principle of writing good content is simple but not easy, which is why so few people do it and would prefer to try easier SEO tricks which will not paper over the cracks of not having good and relevant content.
If you would like help writing good content do get in touch. And if you don’t have a website which enables you to update and change your content you really should consider changing your website designer.