What Are ‘Backlinks’ and Should You Pay For Them?
2nd January 2014
Do not pay for or ask for irrelevant ‘backlinks’ to your business website. It is quality not quantity that counts.
‘Backlinks’ are links form other web sites that are directed towards your website.
Although the number of backlinks to your website can be an indication of the popularity or importance of your website and backlinks are important for search engine optimisation (SEO) because some search engines, especially Google, will give more credit to websites that have a good number of quality backlinks, and consider those websites more relevant than others in their results pages for a search query. When search engines calculate the relevance of a site to a keyword, they consider the number of quality inbound links to your site. A search engine considers the content of the sites to determine the quality of a link. When inbound links to your site come from other sites, and those sites have content related to your site, these inbound links are considered more relevant to your site.
You can build up quality backlinks by asking similar websites to link to your business site such as other business offering services to Hull and East Yorkshire customers or by asking other web sites who you work with you to link to your website.
However, do not ever pay web sites for ‘backlinks’ as these web sites are called link farms, and they are not only disregarded by search engines, but linking to a link farm could get your site banned entirely.
Furthermore many websites have attempted reciprocal link exchanges, in order to boost their site’s rankings. In a link exchange, one webmaster places a link on their website that points to another webmasters website, and vice versa. Most of these links though are simply not relevant, and are just discounted. So while the irrelevant inbound link was ignored, the outbound links still got counted, diluting the relevancy score of many websites. This caused a great many websites to drop off the Google map.
If you are wanting ‘backlinks’ why not do the following?
Get into social media such as twitter and facebook and integrate this into your website. You will get plenty of backlinks if you use social media properly.
Use forums that are relevant to your business and leave and post useful links there.
Ask your friends who are also in business in your region to recommend you on their website and leave testimonials on your testimonial page.
More importantly ask us to make sure that your site is SEO friendly so that your website is easily searchable and SEO friendly on searches such as Google and Bling.
If you want to know more do contact us.